Caring Ministries


Befrienders provide regular visits to those unable to attend church services, assist with hospital visitation, and serve as prayer partners after each service on both Saturdays and Sundays. They also meet one on one with those who are in need of someone to walk beside them through a particularly challenging time. If you feel a call to this ministry, please contact the church office.

Befrienders Only- please sign up to pray following worship here 


Each week the group will watch a video seminar. GriefShare videos cover topics essential to your recovery from the hurt of grief and loss. Each session features helpful, comforting videos and encouraging group discussion. Participants can join at any time. Each week’s topic stands alone. We meet in the Wesley Room (use canopy entrance).  Contact Phyllis Freeman, or 920.574.2859 for further information.


Meal Train Ministry

When a family or individual is in crisis, elation over a new baby, or the chef in the household is sick and cannot prepare meals, we as a church family like to step in and help with this basic need. If you could share a meal with a family or persons who need this type of care, come be a part of the food ministry! If you are interested in helping, or if you are in need of some meals, please contact the office.


Health Ministry

There is a free blood pressure check and glucose screening the fourth weekend of each month. We will be available after the Saturday 5:30 p.m. worship service and between Sunday morning services. Just stop in, no appointment is needed.


Memorials Ministry Team

Members of the congregation and their families and friends may make gifts to the church in memory of a deceased member, to honor someone for special service rendered to the church, or to celebrate with a church member a special occasion such as a birth, birthday, graduation, wedding or anniversary. The Memorials Team, members of this congregation, are charged with using the gifts to purchase needed items for the church or to assist with various ministries. It will work with the deceased’s family or the donors and donee of a special gift to identify an appropriate use of the funds. If you wish further information, please contact the church office or the Chair of the Memorials Ministry Team, Margit Williams, at (715) 966-1058.


Greeting Card Ministry

Are you interested in connecting with members of our church through a meaningful way? Our purpose is to minister to those who are in need of spiritual uplifting, birthday greetings to homebound members, and those suffering from illness, The Team will supply you with cards.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice which reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace, as well as in celebration and joy. If you enjoy knitting or crocheting, consider joining us the last Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Asbury Lounge. If you are interested, but cannot join us, please give us a call and we will work out a way for you to help. We need about 555 yards of washable/ dryable yarn per shawl. We also welcome the contribution of gift bags.


Inspirational Cards

Inspirational Cards are available in a card rack near Fellowship Hall. The cost of a card is 50¢. Often when the pastors lift up members of our congregation or others who are hospitalized or ill, we feel the need to send a card. These inspirational cards are always available. To get the addresses of those who you would like to send a card, please call the church office.


Traveling Tea Party

A chance to slow down, be together, share stories, over a cup of tea or coffee. One-two team members join coordinator Kathy Ward at the recipient's residence.  You can sign up once a month or once a year-whatever works! Also needed: Name/number of anyone who is in need of a tea party.


Transportation Ministry

Are you willing to drive someone to and from church? Some of our members are unable to drive themselves, but would love to attend. We will match you up with a person to drive to church weekly or monthly. We would love to add you to our list of drivers. Let us know when you are available and what your geographical limits are. If you are interested in helping or have any questions, please contact the church office.


Grief Booklets Ministry

Journeying through Grief is a series of four booklets thoughtfully prepared by Stephen Ministry which we share with church members who are experiencing the loss of a loved one. The booklets are sent at appropriately timed intervals to help the grieving during their personal journey with the hope that they will know that the loving support of the church is constant over the course of a year. Contact the church office for further information.